

石山さんの修論がPLoS Oneに掲載

石山さんの修論がPLOS ONEに受諾、掲載されました。ヒト腎臓(後腎)における尿集合管系の形成過程を明らかにし実験動物(マウス)との差異を論じました。

  • 最初の 尿路樹の分岐は CS16 で発生、CS23の最大分岐次数は12に達する、
  • 二分分岐が急速に発生し、その後ネフロンの形成が続き、CS23において末端枝数あたりの糸球体数は1.34
  • 腎盂拡張はCS23内でみられる
  • 分岐次数は極部で高い

34. Ishiyama H, Ishikawa A, Kitazawa H, Fujii S, Matsubayashi J, Yamada S, Takakuwa T, Branching morphogenesis of the urinary collecting system in the human embryonic metanephros, PLoS ONE 13(9): e0203623. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0203623


An elaborate system of ducts collects urine from all nephrons, and this structure is known as the urinary collecting system (UCS). This study focused on how the UCS is formed during human embryogenesis. Fifty human embryos between the Carnegie stage (CS) 14 and CS23 were selected from the Kyoto Collection at the Congenital Anomaly Research Center of Kyoto University, Japan. Metanephroses, including the UCS, were segmented on serial digital virtual histological sections. Three-dimensional images were computationally reconstructed for morphological and quantitative analyses. A CS timeline was plotted. It consisted of the 3-D structural morphogenesis of UCS and quantification of the total amount of end-branching, average and maximum numbers of generations, deviation in the metanephros, differentiation of the urothelial epithelium in the renal pelvis, and timing of the rapid expansion of the renal pelvis. The first UCS branching generation occurred by CS16. The average branching generation reached a maximum of 8.74 ± 1.60 and was already the twelfth in CS23. The total end-branching number squared between the start and the end of the embryonic period. UCS would reach the fifteenth branching generation soon after CS23. The number of nephrons per UCS end-branch was low (0.21 ± 0.14 at CS19, 1.34 ± 0.49 at CS23), indicating that the bifid branching occurred rapidly and that the formation of nephrons followed after. The renal pelvis expanded mainly in CS23, which was earlier than that reported in a previous study. The number of nephrons connected to the UCS in the expanded group (246.0 ± 13.2) was significantly larger than that of the pre-expanded group (130.8 ± 80.1) (P < 0.05). The urothelial epithelium differentiated from the zeroth to the third generations at CS23. Differentiation may have continued up until the tenth generation to allow for renal pelvis expansion. The branching speed was not uniform. There were significantly more branching generations in the polar- than in the interpolar regions (P < 0.05). Branching speed reflects the growth orientation required to form the metanephros. Further study will be necessary to understand the renal pelvis expansion mechanism in CS23. Our CS-based timeline enabled us to map UCS formation and predict functional renal capacity after differentiation and growth.

Blechschmidt collection デジタルアトラス作成の論文がCongenit Anomに掲載

Blechschmidt collectionスキャンプロジェクトについての論文がCongenital anomaliesに掲載されました。先天異常標本解析センター、ドイツ・ゲッティンゲン大学解剖学教室との共同プロジェクトです。

(ゲッティンゲン大学ヒト胚子コレクションの組織学的解析およびデジタルアトラス作成;基盤(B)(海外 )2015-2017)

  • Blechschmidt コレクションの組織標本を、市販のフラットベッド スキャナーを使用して4800 dpiの解像度画像にデジタル化
  • CRL64mm, CRL17.5mm (CS20) の2 つの標本について、最新の技術を使用して、立体再構成

⑦ Miyazaki R, Makishima H, Männer J, Sydow HG, Uwabe C, Takakuwa T, Viebahn C, Yamada S. The Blechschmidt Collection: revisiting specimens from a historical collection of serially sectioned human embryos and fetuses using modern imaging techniques, Congenit Anom, 2018, 58, 152-157, doi: 10.1111/cga.12261


Along with the Carnegie Collection in the United States and the Kyoto Collection in Japan, the Blechschmidt Collection (Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany) is a major historical human embryo and fetus collection. These collections are of enormous value to human embryology; however, due to the nature of the historical histological specimens, some stains are fading in color, and some glass slides are deteriorating over time. To protect these specimens against such degradation and ensure their future usefulness, we tried to apply modern image scanning and computational reconstruction. Samples of histological specimens of the Blechschmidt Collection were digitized into images using commercial flatbed scanners with a resolution of 4800 pixels per inch. Two specimens were reconstructed into three-dimensional (3D) images by using modern techniques to vertically stack two-dimensional images of the slices into 3D blocks. The larger specimen of crown-rump length (CRL) 64.0 mm, a series of very large histological sections in human embryology, was reconstructed clearly, with its central nervous system segmented before stacking. The smaller specimen of CRL 17.5 mm was also reconstructed into 3D images. The outer surface of the embryo was intact, and its development was classified according to the widely used Carnegie stages (CSs). The CS of the specimen was identified as the later half of CS 20. The invaluable Blechschmidt Collection can be revisited for further research with modern techniques such as digital image scanning and computational 3D reconstruction.