



第130回日本解剖学会で発表します(2025.3.17-19, 幕張メッセ)

■ 須藤紗帆、松林 潤、金橋 徹、今井 宏彦、大谷 浩、山田重人、高桑徹也;ヒト胚子期・胎児期初期における舌筋発生の検討 (The Development of the Tongue Muscles in the Human Embryonic and Fetal Period)

■ 八田 桃佳、金橋 徹、今井 宏彦、大谷 浩、山田 重人、高桑 徹也;拡散テンソル画像を用いた水晶体線維細胞の配向性の検討 (Analysis of lens fiber cells orientation in human embryonic and early fetal period using diffusion tensor imaging)

■ 石田 七彩、植田 優生、掛谷 真樹、松林 潤、金橋 徹、今井 宏彦、大谷 浩、山田 重人、高桑 徹也;中腸ループ形成を決定する要因:中腸の長さ、直径および位置の影響 (Factors determining midgut loop formation: The impact of midgut length, diameter, and location)

■ 熊谷 美優、金橋 徹、今井 宏彦、大谷 浩、多賀 厳太郎、高桑 徹也;高解像度MRIを用いたヒト胎児における大脳基底核原基の形成過程の検討 (Ganglionic Eminences Formation in the Human Fetus)

■ 青江 春菜、金橋 徹、今井 宏彦、大谷 浩、山田 重人、高桑 徹也;ヒト胎児期初期における上顎・下顎・歯胚の三次元解析 (Three-dimensional analysis of maxilla, mandible, and teeth at early human fetal stage) 

■ 倭 友希、松田 幸樹、松林 潤、金橋 徹、今井 宏彦、米山 明男、山田 重人、高桑 徹也;ヒトの胚子期における足部・手部の形態形成 (Foot and hand morphogenesis during human embryonic development)

■ 金橋 徹、松林 潤、今井 宏彦、山田 重人、大谷 浩、高桑 徹也;ヒト胎児期初期における骨盤傾斜角の検討 (Analysis of human pelvic tilt angle in the early fetal period)

■ 藤井瀬菜、山田重人、高桑徹也:胚子の体軸がらせん状を描くか否か (Does the embryo’s body axis have a right-handed helical shape? : analysis of 3D reconstructions)


第78回日本人類学会で発表しました。(2024.10.12-14, 大阪)
■ 金橋 徹、松林 潤、今井 宏彦、山田 重人、大谷 浩、高桑 徹也:ヒト胎児骨盤の性差は一次骨化開始期には存在する

■ 倭 友希、松田 幸樹、松林 潤、金橋 徹、今井 宏彦、米山 明男、山田 重人、高桑 徹也 :ヒトの胚子期における足部・手部の形態形成

■ 青江 春菜、金橋 徹、今井 宏彦、大谷 浩、山田 重人、高桑 徹也:ヒト胎児期初期における下顎・歯胚の形態形成の定量的解析

■ 熊谷 美優、金橋 徹、今井 宏彦、大谷 浩、多賀 厳太郎、高桑 徹也:高解像度 MRI を用いたヒト胎児における大脳基底核原基の形成過程の検討

岩佐さんの論文がJ Anatomyに掲載

岩佐さんの僧帽筋形成についての論文がJ Anatomyに受諾されました。MRI_DTIを用いて僧帽筋形成過程を、外観だけでなく、椎体レベルごとの筋線維の走行まで観察しました。また、論文内の図が表紙に採用されました。

  • 胎児初期におけるヒト僧帽筋(TpzM)の発達を観察し、拡散テンソル画像(DTI)分析を適用して生理機能につながる筋肉の構造を記述
  • 僧帽筋はCS20で初めて検出され、その位置は、その挿入部および起始部である肩甲骨、鎖骨、および椎骨の形成とともに変化した。
  • 腹側ビューでの線維配向は、挿入部が変化する中間部分を除いて、頸椎から胸椎にかけて徐々に変化し、これはすべての初期胎児標本でほぼ同じであった。
  • 僧帽筋の上部では、椎骨レベルに応じて線維配向が3次元的になだらかに変化していた。

69. Iwasa Y, Kanahashi T, Imai H, Otani H, Yamada S, Takakuwa T. Human trapezius muscle development during early fetal period. J Anatomy 2024, 245, 663-673, doi: 10.1111/joa.14116


J Anatomy 2024, 245巻, 11号(僧帽筋のDTI)

This study aimed to observe human trapezius muscle (TpzM) development during the early fetal period and apply diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) analysis to describe the muscle architecture that leads to physiological functions. Human embryonic and early fetal specimens were selected for this study. TpzM was first detected at Carnegie stage 20. The position of the TpzM changed with the formation of the scapula, clavicle, and vertebrae, which are its insertions and origins. DTI revealed the fiber orientation from each vertebral level to dissect each muscle. Fiber orientation in the ventral view gradually changed from the cervical to thoracic vertebrae, except for the middle part at which the insertions changed, which was almost similar in all early fetal specimens. The TpzM volume increased from C1 to C7 in the upper part, reached local maxima at C6 and C7 in the middle, and then decreased. These muscles can be categorized into three parts according to their insertions and presented with the features of each part. The fiber orientation and distribution of the three parts at the vertebral level were almost constant during the early fetal period. The border between the upper and middle parts was mainly located around the C6 and C7 vertebral levels, whereas the middle and lower parts were between the Th1 and Th2 vertebral levels. A three-dimensional change in the fiber orientation in the upper part of the TpzM according to the vertebral level was noticeable. Our data will help to elucidate the developmental processes of TpzM.

石田かのんさんの修士論文がCells Tissues Organsに掲載

石田かのんさんの修士論文がCells Tissues Organsに掲載されました。


  • EFIC画像から作成した3次元再構成画像を用いて、ラットの膝関節における後半月板靭帯の発達を解析し、他の膝関節構成要素との関係を検討。
  • E16-21日のWistarラット胚の膝関節を対象。
  • pMFLはE17から観察され、成熟ラットと同様にすべての発育段階で大腿骨内側顆と外側半月板に付着
  • pMFLと膝関節周囲の構成要素は、発生初期から位置関係を維持したまま発達していると考えられる。

Ishida K, Ishikawa A, Yamada S, Takakuwa T, Aoyama T, Three-dimensional imaging analysis of the developmental process of posterior meniscofemoral ligaments in rat embryos. Cells Tissues Organs 2024, in press, , DOI: 10.1159/000536108

The posterior meniscofemoral ligament (pMFL) of knee joint is a ligament that runs posterior to the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and it is known that the height of the pMFL attachment site causes meniscus avulsion. Therefore, understanding the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the pMFL attachment site is essential to better understand the pathogenesis of meniscus disorders. However, the developmental process of pMFL has not been well investigated. The purpose of this study was to analyze pMFL development in rat knee jointsusing 3D reconstructed images produced from episcopic fluorescence image capture (EFIC) images and examine its relationship with other knee joint components. Knee joints of Wistar rat embryos between embryonic day (E) 16 and E21 were observed with HE stained tissues. Serial EFIC images of the hindlimbs of E17-E21 were respectively captured, from which 3Dimages were reconstructed and the features of pMFL structure: length and angle, were measured. Besides, the chronological volume changes and the volume ratio of the knee joint components compared to E17 were calculated to identify the differences in growth by components. pMFL was observed from E17 and was attached to the medial femoral condyle and lateral meniscus at all developmental stages, as in mature rats. The lack of marked variation in the attachment site and angle of the pMFL with the developmental stage indicates that the pMFL and surrounding knee joint components developed while maintaining their positional relationship from the onset of development. Current results may support to congenital etiology of meniscus disorder.