



  • 従来の報告より8週以上若い時期のヒトの心筋走行を高解像度DT-MRIデータを用いて検出しました。
  • ヒトの心筋の走行の配置、螺旋状の角度等は、成人とすでに同様であることから、心筋構築の青写真は胚子期末(CS20-23, GSA8W)には、すでに形成されていることをから明らかにしました。
  • データは古典的な心筋バンド説(心筋はひとつながりのバンド状のものが立体的に折り畳まれて形成されている)を否定しました。


ヒト胎児心臓の心筋線維方向を追跡 -受精後8週の心筋線維は成人と同じ配列をする-  外部リンク[京都大学HP(トピックス)]

2020/10/13 医療NEWSにて,ヒト胎児の心臓、受精後8週で心筋線維の配列が成人と同様であることが判明-京大ほか が紹介されました.

46. Nishitani S, Torii N, Imai H, Haraguchi R, Yamada S, Takakuwa T, Development of helical myofiber tracts in the human fetal heart: Analysis of myocardial fiber formation in the left ventricle from the late human embryonic period using diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of the American Heart Association, 2020, 19(9) doi:10.1161/JAHA.120.016422



Detection of the fiber orientation pattern of the myocardium using diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging lags ≈12 weeks of gestational age (WGA) behind fetal myocardial remodeling with invasion by the developing coronary vasculature (8 WGA). We aimed to use diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging tractography to characterize the evolution of fiber architecture in the developing human heart from the later embryonic period.

Methods and Results

Twenty human specimens (8–24 WGA) from the Kyoto Collection of Human Embryos and Fetuses, including specimens from the embryonic period (Carnegie stages 20–23), were used. Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging data were acquired with a 7T magnetic resonance system. Fractional anisotropy and helix angle were calculated using standard definitions. In all samples, the fibers ran helically in an organized pattern in both the left and right ventricles. A smooth transmural change in helix angle values (from positive to negative) was detected in all 16 directions of the ventricles. This feature was observed in almost all small (Carnegie stage 23) and large samples. A higher fractional anisotropy value was detected at the outer side of the anterior wall and septum at Carnegie stage 20 to 22, which spread around the ventricular wall at Carnegie stage 23 and in the early fetal samples (11–12 WGA). The fractional anisotropy value of the left ventricular walls decreased in samples with ≥13 WGA, which remained low (≈0.09) in larger samples.


From the human late embryonic period (from 8 WGA), the helix angle arrangement of the myocardium is comparable to that of the adult, indicating that the myocardial structure blueprint, organization, and integrity are already formed.

ヒト胎児心臓の心筋線維方向の追跡 ―受精後8週の心筋線維は成人と同じ配列をする―









良質なヒト胚子標本として、附属先天異常標本解析センターが収集、保管している、ヒト胎児大規模標本群(京都コレクション)を使用しました。この標本群は、世界最大規模の研究リソースとして知られており、その利用については京都大学大学院医学研究科・医学部及び医学部附属病院 医の倫理委員会の承認のもとで研究が行われています。撮像装置としては、医学研究科医学研究支援センターが保有している前臨床用7T-MRIを用いました。撮像の対象及び目的に特化させた撮像条件と直径19mmの高感度MRIコイルを併用してDTI撮像データの質の改善を行いました。





胚子期後半の心筋線維の配列がすでに大人の配列と同様というのは、当然とは言い切れません。発生学の原則として、“ヒト胚子はその発生の各段階で生きており、各段階で適切な状態を維持している”(Heuser & Streeter 1941)があります。それに従えば、心臓(心筋)は、成人の完成図を目指して性急な成長をするのではなく、発生段階の心臓の形状や他の諸器官と協調して、心筋の走行や分布、成長が異なることも十分に想定されることだからです。


Nishitani S, Torii N, Imai H, Haraguchi R, Yamada S, Takakuwa T, Development of helical myofiber tracts in the human fetal heart: Analysis of myocardial fiber formation in the left ventricle from the late human embryonic period using diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of the American Heart Association, 2020,  19(9) doi:10.1161/JAHA.120.016422

田中さん、坂本さんの卒業研究がPLoS ONEに掲載

田中さん、坂本さんの卒業研究がPLoS ONEに掲載されました。胎児期の上肢帯の形態形成、位置の変化について詳述しました。

  • CS18で、烏口骨と上腕骨頭とともに肩甲骨体部を最初に検出
  • 肩甲骨下角は尾側方向に拡大したが、頭側はほとんど位置をかえない
  • 肩甲骨は胎児期には独特な位置(椎体の前方から側方への移動)、向き( 内部、上方回転)を示す

46. Tanaka S, Sakamoto R, Kanahashi T, Yamada S, Imai H, Yoneyama A, Takakuwa T. Shoulder girdle formation and positioning during embryonic and early fetal human development. PLoS ONE 2020, 15(9): e0238225. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0238225


Positional information on the shoulder girdle (the clavicle and scapula) is important for a better understanding of the function of the upper limb in the locomotive system as well as its associated disease pathogenesis. However, such data are limited except for information on the axial position of the scapula. Here, we describe a three-dimensional reconstruction of the shoulder girdle including the clavicle and scapula, and its relationship to different landmarks in the body. Thirty-six human fetal specimens (crown-rump length range: 7.6–225 mm) from the Kyoto Collection were used for this study. The morphogenesis and three-dimensional position of the shoulder girdle were analyzed with phase-contrast X-ray computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. We first detected the scapula body along with the coracoid and humeral head at Carnegie stage 18; however, the connection between the body and coracoid was not confirmed at this stage. During development, all landmarks on the shoulder girdle remained at the same axial position except for the inferior angle, which implies that the scapula enlarged in the caudal direction and reached the adult axial position in the fetal period. The scapula body was rotated internally and in the upward direction at the initiation of morphogenesis, but in the fetal period the scapula body was different than that in the adult position. The shoulder girdle was located at the ventral side of the vertebrae at the time of initial morphogenesis, but changed its position to the lateral side of the vertebrae in the late embryonic and fetal periods. Such a unique position of the shoulder girdle may contribute to the stage-specific posture of the upper limb. Adequate internal and upward rotation of the scapula could help in reducing the shoulder width, thereby facilitating childbirth. The data presented in this study can be used as normal morphometric references for shoulder girdle evaluations in the embryonic and fetal periods.